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1611 Dean Forest Road
Savannah, GA, 31408
United States


Five Stones provides Christ-centered counseling and leadership development in Savannah, GA.

Called to Lead


Called to Lead

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Called to Lead


These devotions were forged, tested, and found true through the lives of the leaders served by this author. These devotions are written for smart, hard-working, no-nonsense workplace leaders who are looking for something solid to help you improve your leadership. If you are looking for a devotional to simply warm your heart or cram more Scripture between your ears, find another book. If you are eager to close the gap between the leader you are and the leader God created you to be, humble enough to recognize that you could use some help, and willing to try a proven approach, invest a few minutes each week with this book pondering the intersection of your life and leadership and God’s Word. We think you’ll be glad you did. 

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