Priority Insight
Priority Insight, a 501c3 nonprofit ministry, was launched in Savannah, GA, January 1, 2000 as a marketplace ministry. John Crosby answered the call to leave his role as an Associate Pastor and Administrator at Savannah Christian Church to help marketplace leaders embrace their natural spheres of influence as their primary ministry opportunities, overcoming the worldy mindset of segmenting their lives between sacred and secular, and identifying our “priority” as “putting God first in our lives and leadership.”
Starting with six business owners in a weekly lunch-time Bible study, John committed to teaching Scripture book by book, always being intentionally inclusive of marketplace applications of Biblical principles by asking “What does this look like in your business?” Within two years, Priority Insight was hosting over 40 workplace Bible studies. Recognizing that many of the participants were in workplaces not typically defined as “the marketplace,” Priority Insight was redefined as a “workplace ministry.”
By 2005, Priority Insight was hosting over 90 weekly workplace Bible studies averaging over 1,100 participants each week, as well as hosting multiple monthly luncheons, and numerous workplace counseling and coaching sessions. However, as our leadership observed and reflected on our overall effectiveness, as measured by observable life-change and relational growth, we discovered that our greatest impact was not necesarily taking place in the workplaces hosting Bible studies, or in the workplaces with the most employees attending Bible studies. The greatest changes were taking place in the workplaces where senior level leaders were engaging our ministry through Bible studies, one-on-one coaching, and together in Christ-centered small groups. This recognition initiated another refocusing and redefining of our ministry as a “leadership development ministry”.
Since 2005, we have added more Bible studies and are reaching more people, with a ministry footprint ranging from Charleston, SC to Jacksonville, FL along the coast and westward to Macon, GA, with over 1000 people accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and many more being discipled through our ministry efforts. Yet our primary focus has been on developing Christ-Centered leadership development opportunities including our Workplace Leadership Forums (monthly luncheons), and Leader2Leader (our peer coaching groups). The impact these leaders are making in the lives of their co-workers, clients/customers/students/patients, vendors, and even competitors, as shared through their stories, has been immeasurable.
For More Information, please visit: http://www.priorityinsight.com