Lessons Learned in Women's Bible Study
jo Crosby
The Bible study I teach will begin in a few days, and I am both thankful and excited. Working through notes for this class, it occurred to me that in addition to learning the truth of Scripture, I learn many other things. My friend, Tonya, once made this statement reflecting the atmosphere of Bible study: Friends Show Up!
No doubt, friends do show up at Bible study. I could never put into words the depth of friendship that I have been privileged to find while studying the Bible next to women I love. I have laughed, cried, and ate my way through many, many hours of fellowship. I have been blessed immeasurably. Years ago, I started keeping a list of the many extra things I’ve learned along the path of participating in Women’s Bible Study, and I thought I would share my top 55 with you:
55 Life Lessons in Women’s Bible Study:
How to use the push-in tabs on boxes of aluminum foil, saran wrap, etc.
How to make flaky, homemade pie crust. (Not that I can do this successfully, but I was given a great recipe and a great lesson!)
How to cook oatmeal in the crock pot overnight.
How to use a round brush and a hair dryer to pull your hair straight and give it that smooth salon look.
Where to find coupons and how to use them to maximum efficiency.
Where to find ginger snaps at Christmas time.
How to organize a laundry room.
Where to find the best seasonal plants in town.
Where the best hair colorist in town work!
How much better coffee taste when shared with friends.
How much lighter burdens feel when shared with friends.
Where to have family portraits taken.
How to tie a scarf around my neck with pizzazz.
How to grow older with beauty and grace.
What kind of personal hygiene items will NOT clear airport security.
What real women look like at 6:45 in the morning.
What real women look like at 6:45 in the evening.
Where to find a seamstress who does great work for a great price.
How to decorate my home on a budget.
That women will feed you when they need to comfort you, and you will in turn, be very grateful.
That diets are more appealing when shared with friends.
That I am not the only woman who struggles with running on time.
That a fantastic shoe can indeed make an outfit!
That a girlfriend will not only always notice when you cut your hair, but she will also listen to the details.
That I should never be embarrassed to look in the table of contents in my Bible.
That I should show up for Bible Study when my homework is fully completed and when it’s not.
That I can physically feel the prayers of others.
I have learned the difference between lip balm, butter, gloss, stick, and stain.
Confession is absolutely freeing and a path to vast peace.
Confidentiality among a group is golden and priceless.
Help is often the only prayer one needs to whisper.
Help often shows up in the form of a Bible study friend carrying a casserole and a box of tissues. (And maybe a bottle of wine, depending on your personal beliefs and your friend group).
I am never alone. Ever.
As Christians, we live between the advents!
If your lipstick is the wrong shade for your skin, you need to be told. This most definitely qualifies as speaking the truth in love.
There is no wrong question to ask when studying Scripture. No one knows it all. Learning about God is lifelong.
From week-to-week, your women friends will notice if your toenail polish changes, or you had your nails done!
That trick about touch-up-painting only the toes that show – I learned that in Bible study.
One can be inspired to buy an air fryer! I know this to be true.
When someone has the true gift of hospitality, it shows. They can make you feel like you’re having dinner in a Southern Living Advertisement.
Friends will not only listen to, but also love hearing about all your Christmas tree ornaments. And they will “ooh and aahh” over the ones your children made.
“Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who will rejoice.” will come naturally to friends who study Scripture together.
Among friends, you will discover who makes the best pound cake. This might turn into a serious discussion/debate. And, if you’re lucky: a competition.
Growing older with women, you will appreciate the many, beautiful seasons of a woman’s life.
A discussion of menopause, pregnancy, or anything hormone related can easily take over the weekly lesson discussion!
The leader is always grateful for that one woman in the group that can clear her throat in just the right way, thereby communicating, “It’s time to refocus.”
No one ever complains when someone shows up with donuts.
Your friends would rather you walk in late than not at all. We’ve all had those mornings.
The girl chatter before the study begins is one of the most beautiful sounds on earth.
Women talk about everything from football to fat cells and finances to the Food Network. In manicured nails, they tackle tough issues with grace and intelligence.
Use your Bible. Dog ear the pages. Underline. Highlight. Circle in red. Draw pictures if needed. Learn. Learn. Learn. Keeping it pristine is a beautiful thought, but you will learn to long-love the pages stained with your handprints, coffee, or tears.
Jesus told a great story; Jesus loves a great story; and he loves your story.
Calories never count at Bible Study. And I’m still not a fan of pumpkin spice coffee creamer, but girl I will buy it for you!
You need at least one friend who keeps up with Bath & Body Works candle day.
Women (no matter the age) love a road trip, a slumber party, an overnight getaway. Give us a chance to wear our good, pajamas!
One of my mentors encouraged me to keep a Bible with my personal notes from study for each of my children. It can be theirs one day when I’m no longer here to tell my story of Jesus. I’m currently working on Bible #2.
In the back pages of almost every Bible study book I own, there are scribbled recipes, phone numbers, and prayer requests. These notes, alongside my written journey of spiritual growth are evidence that Jesus is not only my friend, but also, he blesses me with friendships.
God Speaks Girl!
This year, I plan on adding to my Favorite 55 list. You’re welcome to join me.