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1611 Dean Forest Road
Savannah, GA, 31408
United States


Five Stones provides Christ-centered counseling and leadership development in Savannah, GA.

Called to Coach


Called to Coach

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Called to Coach


This book is written for coaches who work hard--sometimes too hard--and know how to quickly size up what is a waste of time. It is for coaches who are looking for something solid. It is for coaches who know that real ministry takes place in the opportunities of everyday life, rather than simply sitting in rows on Sunday morning or around a campfire singing kumbaya. It is for coaches who recognize that the Bible is the greatest source of leadership principles the world has ever known. It is for coaches eager to close the gap between the leader you are and the leader God created you to be.

So sit back in your favorite chair and start your week investing a few minutes pondering the intersection of God’s Word and your life and leadership. We’re confident you’ll be glad you did. 

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