In Times of Need
jo Crosby
One of the best things about Five Stones is the team. When I think of the team that God has put together, these adjectives come to mind: compassionate, gifted, intelligent, and servant-hearted. Over the next few weeks, we hope to introduce you to heart of our office, by introducing you to the hearts of our team. Each team member of Five Stones has a heart for the hurting.
Apart from being a client, it is hard to "visit" the office of a counselor. Perhaps these insights will give you a glimpse into the work that takes place within our walls. We are called to do this counseling ministry, and we are humbled by it.
These words are from the office of Suzanne Stangland, MA, LPC.
3 of the Most Helpful Scriptures for Me
In Times of Need:
For more information on Suzanne, visit her page on the website under the tab "Our Team".
For counseling call: 912-667-5848